
Bridging Theory, Research, and Practice: Eight Teacher Action Steps Towards Multicultural Music Education

Jennifer Mellizo proposes the term “multicultural music education” can be understood as culturally diverse musical content, approached and implemented from a critical perspective, by music educators who lead their students in active music learning experiences, and consider the process of teaching and learning music that is preferred in the original cultural setting. Mellizo’s process-oriented conceptualization of multicultural music education differs from the manner in which it has been implemented in many classrooms over the past fifty years. Mellizo explores David Elliott’s views as well as multicultural education theorists’ such as J. A. Banks’ and C.R. Abril’s, and proposed curricular applications consistent with these well-grounded theories. Although this conception has been around for decades in music education, Mellizo takes a new look at it at a time when it is picking up steam in other fields, exemplified, for example, in the U. S. by the push for a “global-ready student” in the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).

Author: Jennifer M. Mellizo – University of Wyoming Lab School. 
Published 01/18/2017.

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