
A Labor of Love: A Rationale and Second Grade Music Curriculum for a More Just and Equitable World

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Abstract: American music education systematically discriminates against Blacks and other minorities. Scholars have suggested practices for diversifying pre-service programs and higher education faculty; however, little literature focuses on race, power, and privilege in K-12 classrooms. Less literature exists by minorities reporting effects of Eurocentric music teaching on minority students, even though psychology, sociology, and education have published numerous studies on the phenomenon. The purpose of the article is to offer a new teaching model for music education in a second grade general music classroom. The curriculum aims to use music as a tool to develop critical learners who engage in dismantling systems of hegemony that permeate the field. Moreover, this curriculum seeks to give voice to the silenced and marginalized experiences of People of Color in the field and to implore others to tell their story. Paulo Freire’s (1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed is used as a theoretical framework to defend the author’s ideals.

Author: Deejay Robinson – Boston University. 
Published 03/26/2017.

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