
Writing for TOPICS

(Themes, Opinion, Practices, Innovation, Curriculum, and Strategies in Music Education)

TOPICS invites submissions that inform readers concerning down-to-earth issues, policies, and practices in music teaching and learning, especially when tacit assumptions about practice deserve to be challenged.

TOPICS expects proposals, pedagogies, and programs that hold promise for making a notable, positive difference in the everyday thinking, planning, and behavior of music teachers in various music teaching specialties. Although such practical articles may be situated in the country where the practice occurs, the article should be of interest to music teachers elsewhere.

TOPICS is a peer-reviewed journal. Submissions are initially reviewed by the editors for relevance to TOPICS purposes and their potential to interest readers. If approved by the editors for further review, submissions will go anonymously to at least three members of the editorial review board for further evaluation and comment.

SUBMISSIONS: Manuscripts must be sent electronically in a MS Word attachment to with “TOPICS submission” in the subject field. Provide complete author contact information as well as a 100-150 word bio for each author in the covering email, but no author identification on the manuscript itself. See the MayDay Group Publication Style Guidelines for further manuscript requirements, style guidelines, and possibilities.

ETHICS & MALPRACTICE STATEMENT: TOPICS follows high standards for publication ethics as outlined by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). Editors and members of the editorial board continually monitor and safeguard adherence to these ethical standards. For a complete statement regarding publication ethics and malpractice, see the TOPICS Ethics page.

Danielle Sirek, Editor, 

Warren Churchill, Associate Editor,

Matt Koperniak, production editor,

TOPICS Submission Guidelines

Please explore the TOPICS website and read information provided on the About TOPICS page as well as previously published TOPICS articles to gain a sense of the types of articles accepted. Also, please note the MayDay Group Publication Style Guide document.

Length: There is no imposed maximum length for TOPICS articles. Authors may, however, be asked to shorten articles if reviewers or the editor determine it necessary or advantageous for the article’s publication.

Peer Review: Articles submitted to TOPICS are subject to blind peer review. The editor will have the final decision based on recommendations by qualified reviewers.

Abstract: Authors of articles accepted for publication will be required to submit an abstract (about 100 words) and a list of up to seven keywords from the article for online searches.

Copyright: Authors retain copyright for original works published on TOPICS. However, authors grant to TOPICS the right to enter into agreements for full-text access in online databases.

Permissions: Authors accept sole liability for the content of the article, releasing The MayDay Group and its members from liability for any actions resulting from the content and use of the material published. It is the responsibility of the author to gain permissions and/or licenses for any copyrighted items (e.g., photos, illustrations, sounds files, etc.) within a published article or other accepted work. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain and keep model releases for photos of any persons used in the article whose identity can be determined from the photo.

Submission Format: Attach your article in .doc, .docx, or .rtf formats to an email. Articles accepted for publication must adhere to the MayDay Group Publication Style Guide document.

Submission:  Provide full contact information in the email, but do not include identifying information in the manuscript.